Top Diet Tips

7 Best diet tips that work 

1. Avoid products containing corn syrup Corn Syrup - a syrup made from corn starch which is used for the manufacture of soft drinks, bakery and many desserts.
Until recently, this was considered a dietary product, but research conducted by experts from the University of Princeton, showed the opposite. It was found that rats who ate food sweetened with corn syrup gained significantly more weight than those whose diet was part of sugar, despite the same number of calories. The difference may be due to the manner in which the body processes sweeteners. Cane sugar, corn syrup made from fructose and glucose, cane sugar but these compounds are linked to sucrose, and their metabolism consumes more energy.
Corn syrup is a mixture of glucose and fructose uncoupled, allowing them to absorb directly.

2. Another best diet tip is do not let junk food to enter into your life Of course, chocolate bars and potato chips - it's tasty, but these products can be addictive.
A new study conducted on rats, found that junk food causes the brains processes that are very similar to drug exposure. i.e chocolate bars, potato chips, hot dogs and other junk food. It's all to do with dopamine receptors, which play an important role in the reactions of positive reinforcement. As a result, increases the amount of food needed to reach the previous level of satisfaction. In addition, the behavior changes: the uncontrolled consumption of these products is a top priority.

3. Organize your diet One of the major mistakes, according to nutritionists, are to have long breaks between meals. Long periods of time without food cause the body striving to get the most energy-dense carbohydrates as possible. Experts recommend a reasonable time to plan your meals as much as possible. This will allow your body to get used to a predictable diet and If you keep a constant diet, the body gets used to get a certain number of calories in a certain time and will give the signals of hunger and satiety.

4. Satisfy the body's need for food, especially in the morning A study conducted by the University of Connecticut found that breakfast, rich in protein, can reduce the feeling of hunger at lunchtime.
In addition, volunteers who ate protein rich food in the morning, had used 400 fewer calories throughout the day. Egg whites have long been known as one of the most protein rich foods as well as Other types of protein i.e fish, chicken and red meats. In addition, several studies have confirmed beneficial effects of such a diet on the cardiovascular system.

5. Choose foods with a low glycemic index The glycemic index reflects how fast food affects blood sugar levels. Foods with a lower index (high fiber or protein-rich) give a steady flow of energy, while a high index (sweets and breads) says that the sugar content increases quite sharply, and then rapidly decreases.
Low glycemic index is typical for fresh or almost no processed foods: the fruits, vegetables and meat. At the same time, processed foods such as candy, juice drinks and ground grains, are less beneficial to health. As a rule, the more processed the product, the longer the list of ingredients included in its composition. If the product contains more than 3-5 ingredients, the name of which you can not even say means that it is definitely not very useful. Moreover, the less ingredients, the better" - explained nutritionist from New York, Marissa Lippert.

6. Change your environment The new finding of researchers from Cornell University suggests that the secret to a successful diet change may lie in familiar surroundings.
The first step to such changes can be, for example, the use of smaller plates. It turned out that this was one of the best diet tips to help to lose weight faster and more effectively than changing eating habits or a waiver of any food. "This best diet tip is much easier to track than telling yourself that you will eat less, replace sweets with fruits or give up chocolate and French fries.

7. Enjoy your food The food that absorbs mindlessly - is the food, which is neglected, experts say. When we pay attention to what we eat - the color of the products, their texture, freshness and flavors - we get the maximum satisfaction from the process of eating. So this is some of the best diet tips for you to start with for a healthy future.

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